Update Galen and High Isle (oath2order) Update to various books (oath2order, Sharlikran) Update to Eidetic Memory adding oath2order's updates. Loads of screenshots provided by Kodiak of Mostly Harmless.Every people who contribued to improve DB throught the sharing system - hundreds of gamers shared their discoveries ! (Automated feature not in use).Log into the game, and in the character creation screen, you'll find the Addons menu.Extract the addon from downloaded zip file to the AddOns folder.You should find an AddOns folder, if you don't, create one.(replace with the client you're using - " live" or " liveeu") Go to the Elder Scrolls Online folder in your Documents, then.lbfake Adds fake pin information to chat. lbpos Adds lorebook information to chat when used while a book is open Use /lbpos or /lbfake to obtain Lorebook information to post in the comments section.Please help me with updating database and share your locations: If you find any lorebook not listed in database, addon will save its location and display it on the map for all other characters. It includes thousands of lorebook locations and with every update will be this number higher. All ideas how to improve this addon are welcome. Please try it yourself and let me know your thoughts. You can also choose what icons you want to use, which kind of book to display on map filters or in options and much more. In-game setting are in the SETTINGS -> Addons Settings -> LoreBooks. Account wide settings so you don't have to set pinsize and pinlayer on all of your characters.This is useful if the books are stacked on a wayshrine. A setting to disable the click option to set a player waypoint.A detailled report and its copyable version in the Lore Library through R keybind.For Eidetic Memory, a tooltip to inform if book is in a bookshelve, in a dungeon, linked to a quest, etc.It will open map, zoom & set a rally point on the focused book. Coordinates of each book with a right-clic on the book.A research for collection and boks at the top of the library.

Improvements of the Lore Library in Keyboard Mode:.Possibility to unlock Eidetic Memory even without doing the Mage Guild Questline.Pins on your compas for the Unknown Lorebooks & Eidetic Memory.Pins also displays if book is in a dungeon & for Eidetic Memory linked to which quest. Divided into 3 filters Unknown Lorebooks, Collected Lorebooks, Eidetic Memory. Pins on maps of all books of the game.