
Death of a salesman biff and happy scene script
Death of a salesman biff and happy scene script

death of a salesman biff and happy scene script

Biff is deeply connected with the American West. Screw on your fists and you can fight for a fortune up there. Get out of these cities, they’re full of talk and time payments and courts of law.

death of a salesman biff and happy scene script

You’ve a new continent at your doorstep, William. The promises of the exotic lands stand out in contrast to the dull surroundings of the Loman family’s neighborhood in Brooklyn. He keeps recalling how he refused to leave with his brother. Therefore, those places symbolize the failure of Willy’s dreams and attempts. Those are the lands of great potential as Willy’s father achieved success in Alaska, and Ben made a fortune of the diamonds found in Africa. The most prominent and recurring are, undoubtedly, Alaska and Africa. Some of the motifs in Death of a Salesman appear as geographical locations.

death of a salesman biff and happy scene script

Perhaps the stockings also serve as destruction from his guilt. He shows off as a successful worker capable of providing for his family and spoiling another woman on the side. Moreover, buying the present in the name of his affair boosts Willy’s pride. So not only does Willy see the symbol of betrayal and infidelity in it, but his son also. The boy assumes that his father gave away Linda’s stockings, which also triggers Willy’s reaction to his wife fixing her old pair. The salesman gives a new pair of stockings to his mistress, and Biff finds out about it. Only later, the reader finds out about Loman’s affair with the Woman, and it all starts making sense. I won’t have you mending stockings in this house! Now throw them out! Death of a Salesman, The fact that Willy is annoyed with Linda’s stockings is just an element of foreshadowing. There is no need for a detailed Death of a Salesman analysis to understand the stockings’ symbolism. Just like all the hopes he had in his life never realized, the seeds will never root. The fact that Willy continues to plant the seeds points out how useless all his attempts are. Linda tells him that there is not enough light for growing plants due to the high surrounding buildings. He is ashamed and anxious because he can’t provide for the family, so he decides to fix it by starting anew. In the desperate attempt to grow something out of the seeds he plants in the night, we see Willy trying to have a new start. Anything he wanted his sons to become didn’t come true, his hopes for financial security didn’t realize, and the plan to achieve success at work failed. They represent every intention and expectation Willy has ever had in his life. Seeds carry a special significance in the play as a symbol. Perhaps for some reason, this symbol has to deal with Willy’s perception of the meaning of life. In the end, Ben’s ghost encourages Willy to reclaim those diamonds by committing suicide and securing his family with insurance money. However, the wealth promised by the American dream never comes to him. The jungle is dark but full of diamonds, Willy.

Death of a salesman biff and happy scene script